Why is saving water so important?

Recent years have confirmed that mankind is vulnerable in the face of limited resources, considered unlimited until now. This life-giving liquid covers 71% of the globe, which makes us treat it as an unlimited and freely available good. Meanwhile, fresh water accounts for only 2.5% of the world’s water resources and potable water is less than 0.01%.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), around 1.1 billion people do not have access to water that meets basic cleanliness standards. This means that one-sixth of the Earth’s population suffers from thirst and diseases caused by drinking contaminated water.

Another water-saving measure we are implementing in our company is the use of rainwater. The roof of the printing house has an area of 2,200 m2, which makes it possible for us to collect rainwater in tanks and reuse it for production purposes. Each year, we collect more than 15 thousand litres from the surface of the roof. We are one of the few companies in the Opole region that plan to reuse rainwater. As a conscious company, we act under Less Waste. Using what the earth gives us is part of the concept of ecological living and less waste. Our company uses natural resources when possible! We recommend doing so to our contractors.

Our company takes a conscious approach to water consumption. We have introduced water-saving cisterns in the building to take care of the environment. A touchless tap is another great way to save water. Studies have shown that using a touchless tap can reduce water consumption by up to half. Taps in the printing house are fitted with aerators, which further reduce water consumption. We also conduct training sessions for our employees on environmental protection and water saving. Our premises have signs reminding us of conscious water consumption.

"OPOLGRAF" JOINT STOCK COMPANY is implementing a project co-financed by the Re-Open UK Programme entitled "Investments in OPOLGRAF S. A. as a response to the negative effects of Brexit". The aim of the project is to counteract the negative effects of Brexit. The implementation of the project will improve the quality and colour of final products through more precise and accurate halftone dots with much sharper edges, as well as much greater resistance to wear during the production process. By implementing the project, the Applicant will be able to compensate for the increase in trading costs with the United Kingdom. The total project value is 254,610.00 EUR, of which the contribution from the European Funds is 199,000.00 EUR.